Photo by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels

Six Seconds Professional Internship

A social media campaign showing college students it is #OkayToBeAnxious

Becoming comfortable with anxiety in college.

Six Seconds is a California-based non-profit organization. It is an emotional coaching organization that wants to give people the tools they need to build their own emotional intelligence. Building emotional intelligence helps people become more comfortable with their feelings, and cope better with stressful events.

I interned with Six Seconds in Summer 2022, working with a group of other young professionals of various backgrounds from across the world. My group wanted to create a potential social media hashtag campaign that would help college students with anxiety connect with one another, and build an online well-being community. The goal of the campaign would be to show college students that it is okay to be anxious in college. We used the aptly name hashtag #OkayToBeAnxious to show students it is all right to have anxiety.

For my part in our project, I created potential Twitter and Instagram ads that would be run alongside our hashtag campaign. This would help draw attention to our movement, and increase participation. 

College freshmen with anxiety.

These ads would target college freshmen, or really any first time college students, who are experiencing anxiety about their new college life.

College students who get major anxiety during exam season.

These ads would be aimed at college students who get anxious when they've got a big test coming up. 

International college students anxious about being in a new country.

These ads would target international college students who are experiencing a lot of anxiety about being suddenly flung into a new country.

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